Went through this last year.  They simply didn't do anything productive.
You have to change IPs if you want a quick resolution.  They should email
the POC for the IP (I think towards the end of the day) as to what happened
and I believe a time frame when it will get resolved.

Hopefully someone with more than basic (or no) technical capacity can
contact you and fix this stupid problem, but I would not count on it =(

It is a Sony problem, not Akamai.

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 1:27 PM Octolus Development <ad...@octolus.net>

> Hi all,
> We've been trying to get in contact with Sony and/or Akamai to resolve an
> IP blacklisting issue.
> Support is not useful, and our customers are complaining.
> If anyone has a POC for somebody over at Sony or PSN who can help us
> resolve these issues, it would be much appreciated!
> We're facing some reflected DDoS attacks, where the source address is
> spoofed to appear to be our IPs, and as a result getting blacklisted.
> Sony's support has told us to "change IPs", which just isn't realistic, so
> we're looking for someone actually at the NOC.
> Already been in touch with SNEI-NOC, which has completely ignored our
> emails. They only seem to respond to the normal "Account Takeover"
> requests, or whitelist requests. All of my IP's are already whitelisted,
> but there seems to be a DDoS Attack that will ban anyone's IP from
> Sony/PlayStation Network.
> Akamai's also been giving us the runaround, and told us it's purely a Sony
> problem, so we're trying to get to the right POC to get this issue resolved
> Thanks in advance!

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