Verizon is already offering fixed access 5G service with unlimited data for
$50.00/month in five cities.

On Fri, Jan 3, 2020, 3:56 AM Mark Tinka <> wrote:

> On 1/Jan/20 17:35, Brandon Butterworth wrote:
> >
> > If the mobile companies are providing the WiFi routers they can
> > control it (see LTE WiFi attempt) and one day replace it with
> > 5G or 6G in all the things. If they make a better job of it than
> > everyones devices fighting for 5GHz then they may succeed.
> The main issue is the artificial concept of "buying data" so you can get
> online.
> I don't see any legacy MNO's selling you unlimited access to their radio
> network. So wi-fi hooked up to some kind of unlimited terrestrial wire
> (fibre, copper, wireless, e.t.c.) is what will discourage the kids from
> relying on MNO's to provide all of their connectivity needs, especially
> in fixed settings such as homes and such.
> Mark.

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