Look up VoLTE.
On Mon, Dec 30, 2019, 7:39 PM Michael Thomas <m...@mtcc.com> wrote: > > On 12/30/19 4:19 PM, Brandon Martin wrote: > > > > I really don't want to go diving down the 3GPP document hole... > > > Yeah, no kidding. It's like acronym soup. I've been trying all afternoon > to figure out vowifi and am now pretty certain that it's just SIP > signaling over IP. But it's been really frustrating because I still > haven't managed to find "RTP" explicitly. I would assume that if you use > SIP you're probably going be shipping RTP packets for media, but it's > amazing how hard this has been to confirm, and I've tried to find this > out more than once. I even stumped Dave Oran... > > Mike > >