On 1/Jan/20 16:22, William Allen Simpson wrote:
> This thread has devolved into "Why 5G"?
> A lot of folks are missing the bigger picture.
> 5G is not for better voice calls. AFAICT, it won't help voice at all.
> 5G is not for better integration with WiFi or IP data. 5G is to
> *replace* WiFi, and FTTH, and ISPs, and WISPs, and bring all data back to
> the telco. ATT really misses owning the network monopoly.
> 5G is also about upstaging Amazon and Google and other data center
> providers. Read up on "Edge Computing". The "edge" isn't in your
> network
> or your customers' internal networks. The edge is a telco data center.
> That's what they mean by "reducing latency": moving your data processing
> into a telco data center means it is topologically closer to a cell
> tower.
> 5G is mostly about getting more unregulated data-related fees.
Well, the kids don't want to pay for data. Heck, neither do I.
On that basis alone, Any-G won't kill wi-fi :-).