On 12/30/19 4:41 PM, Shane Ronan wrote:
Look up VoLTE.
Yeah I did, and confirmed it's just SIP+RTP over IP. Which is why it's
so frustratingly hard to find the same simple diagram or whatever for
On Mon, Dec 30, 2019, 7:39 PM Michael Thomas <m...@mtcc.com
<mailto:m...@mtcc.com>> wrote:
On 12/30/19 4:19 PM, Brandon Martin wrote:
> I really don't want to go diving down the 3GPP document hole...
Yeah, no kidding. It's like acronym soup. I've been trying all
to figure out vowifi and am now pretty certain that it's just SIP
signaling over IP. But it's been really frustrating because I still
haven't managed to find "RTP" explicitly. I would assume that if
you use
SIP you're probably going be shipping RTP packets for media, but it's
amazing how hard this has been to confirm, and I've tried to find
out more than once. I even stumped Dave Oran...