On 4/2/09, Subba Rao <castellan2004-...@yahoo.com> wrote: > I am using Nipper for verifying my Cisco configuration. Nipper is finding > the "rlogin" service that is not in the configuration. I have searched the > access lists and do not see it anywhere. The explanation by Nipper about > this finding, "....Telnet protocol implemented by this service...." is > confusing. Here is the Nipper's output: <..snip ..> > Can someone explain why Nipper is saying "Rlogin is enabled" when I do not > see it in the configuration file? Is there something else that I need to be > looking at?
I played with it a bit - removing the "transport input telnet" on a vty line got me the rlogin service is enabled. Add it back & nipper says it's disabled... Do you have a "transport input telnet" on each vty? If not, does adding it fix the nipper report? Regards, Lee