Subba Rao wrote:
Can someone explain why Nipper is saying "Rlogin is enabled" when
> I do not see it in the configuration file? Is there something > else that I need to be looking at?
It's been my experience that the routers are all listening on that port by default, and we notice it as a result of people nmap'ing us:
Dec 15 17:27:16 MST: %RCMD-4-RSHPORTATTEMPT: Attempted to connect to RSHELL from a.b.c.d
Everything I've read indicates that additional specific configuration is required to actually enable this service. Still, it's always been one of my least favorite things about IOS. If I don't need it, it shouldn't be on. And why doesn't "show ip sockets" list it at all?
If I was a tinfoil hat person, I'd assume that is the NSA's back door. Mike