On Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 8:46 AM Ryland Kremeier <rkreme...@barryelectric.com>

> Can confirm. Currently on VDSL in rural Missouri, speed is capped at
> 5Mb/s, but has the capability of 7.5Mb/s. All customers from the provider
> here are on VDSL.

I'm guessing from your email address that you get that from your electric
coop, too? At the state fair a couple of months ago, I had the opportunity
to speak to the guy who architected and implemented the FTTH rollout for
Ralls County electric coop, up north of StL along the IL border. They did,
from what I could tell from my conversation, everything right and were
providing gigabit services to their users even in relatively rural areas.
Hopefully you guys will get something like that going at some point soon as

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