When they do their cold calls I tend to answer «Call again in 6 months, if you 
are still with Cogent then.» Most sales reps don‘t survive that long. #SCNR 

Fredy Kuenzler
Init7 (Switzerland) Ltd.
Technoparkstrasse 5
CH-8406 Winterthur


> Am 16.09.2019 um 15:30 schrieb Jon Sands <fohdee...@gmail.com>:
> The last time I dealt with them, it took a little over 3 months to get them 
> to turn up basic BGP service. To top it off the sales rep was fired in the 
> middle of our deployment. Cogent seems to have higher rep turnover than 
> anything else I've dealt with. Buckle up and have fun!
>> On 9/15/2019 4:13 PM, n...@as37662.com n...@as37662.com wrote:
>> Hi fellow network operators,
>> Do any orgs here have experience with a good Cogent rep? The rep we got via 
>> Cogent's website is unresponsive to even basic questions. It feels like we 
>> are dealing with a bot and copy-pasted replies.
>> Thanks
>> Ruldu
> -- 
> Jon Sands
> MFI Labs
> https://fohdeesha.com/

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