> On Aug 4, 2019, at 8:41 PM, Mehmet Akcin <meh...@akcin.net> wrote:
> I am sure there are many sites like this out there, but could network 
> operators do anything to make these sites “not so easy” to be found, reached, 
> and used to end innocent lives?

I''d suggest reducing their reputation rankings, as reported by SpamHous and 
their kin. That's not to say that "Spamhaus and their kin must", although that 
would be one implementation. Another would be to include them also some other 
ranking mechanism in the analysis, and reduce the reputation of such sites in 
the implied alternative.

Another would be to include such rankings in their calculations of whom to 
accept as customers - BGP or otherwise - and if some AS seems to accept such as 
customers, not accept them. I imagine they do, to some extent, but this could 
be followed up more closely.

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