If we had a location (or at least a part of the world) we might be able to
recommend a little better.

On Sat, Aug 3, 2019 at 3:32 PM Ross Tajvar <r...@tajvar.io> wrote:

> Hi all,
> A friend of mine is trying to set up a network in a location where there
> is no fiber (or copper) for many miles. As bandwidth requirements are low
> (<1M for the foreseeable future) but uptime is important, he was looking at
> using multiple cell modems from separate carriers as redundant uplinks. I
> am concerned that different cell carriers might be using the same transport
> providers to a given tower, so that wouldn't be truly redundant. Another
> option would be using a satellite provider as a backup for cellular. (The
> high latency that comes with satellite is not an issue.)
> A fixed-radio solution would likely be too expensive upfront as it would
> require building towers.
> Am I missing any other options or considerations?
> Thanks,
> Ross

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