On 22 Jul 2019, at 1:16 PM, William Herrin <b...@herrin.us> wrote:
> Respectfully John, this wasn't a DBA or an individual figuring the org name 
> field on the old email template couldn't be blank. A class-A was allocated to 
> a _purpose_.

Bill - 

The block in question is a /8 research assignment made with a particular 
network name and a particular responsible technical contact, just as so many 
other research networks during that period; indeed, if that is what you meant 
by “purpose”, then you are correct.   Like so many of those early research 
networks, the evolution of the block over time was under control of the contact 
listed in the registry, and resulted in some being returned, some ending up 
with commercial firms, some with not-for-profit entities, etc.   

In the case of AMRPNET, in 2011 ARIN did approve update of the registration to 
a public benefit not-for-profit at the request of the registered contact.   

> You've not only allowed but encouraged that valuable resource to be 
> reassigned to an organization, this ARDC, and then treated the organization 
> as a proxy for the purpose. No one asked you to do that.

Again, ARIN was specifically requested to do exactly that by the authoritative 
contact, and it was correct to proceed given that the IP block was a general 
purpose IP address block absent any other policy guidance. 

> Nothing in the publicly vetted policies demanded that you attach 
> organizations to the purpose-based allocations

You’ve suggested that this network was some special “purpose-based” allocation, 
but failed to point to any actual policy guidance that distinguishes it in that 
manner.    Note that we do have many such documents that identify a variety of 
purpose-based allocations – for example, RFC 5737 ("IPv4 Address Blocks 
Reserved for Documentation”),  RFC 6598 for 'Shared Address Space' for CGN, 
etc.  If you do have a IETF or IANA policy document applicable to AMPRNET that 
somehow has been overlooked, please provide it to ARIN as part of an Internet 
number resource fraud report, and we will promptly review and investigate. 

In the meantime, if you are curious about the actual IPv4 special-purpose 
assignments, you can find the complete list here: 
 – there’s quite a few, but AMPRNET is not one of them. 


John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers

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