I just took a wholesale circuit from Windstream, it was fine - the 
provisioning/delivery portion was within the Chapter 11 timeline. The Chapter 
11 thing, if you read about it, isn’t really because they are going bankrupt, 
it's more to protect them from a pending lawsuit from a hedge fund (Aurelius 
Capital) “if” the hedge fund wins in court. The hedge fun did initially win, 
but Windstream is appealing, if they lose the appeal, the Chapter 11 protection 
will prevent the hedge fund from gutting Windstream dry, which they would 
happily do! 

It all has to do with the fact that the hedge fund was unhappy that Windstream 
spin-off assets into Uniti Fiber, i.e. rich people upset about not making 
“enough” money from a deal.


> On May 6, 2019, at 9:46 AM, Marshall, Quincy <quincy.marsh...@reged.com> 
> wrote:
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Mehmet Akcin
> Date: 5/6/19 09:02 (GMT-05:00)
> To: Theo Voss
> Cc: nanog@nanog.org
> Subject: Re: Fibre provider in Starkville, MS
> "hi Theo,
> Looks like Earthlink (now Windstream) has fiber there. You can visit 
> www.infrapedia.com <http://www.infrapedia.com/> to look at what is available.
> <snipped>"
> Hasn't windstream filed for Chapter 11/13 protection? Not certain that's the 
> best choice. 
> LQ Marshall
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