On Feb 19, 2009, at 12:30 PM, Bill Nash wrote:

Having carped, I'm obligated to offer a solution:
The technical discussion is certainly interesting to a small subset of NANOG participants, I'm sure (I do find it interesting, I promise), but I'm thinking this conversation is better elsewhere, like a beer & gear, or might I recommend forming some kind of nanog- shoptalk sub list? Is there one like it? Something for discussing the network substrata and not the weather a few layers up? I'm aware of stuff like c-nsp/j-nsp, but the Linux router crowd has it's own niche and there's certainly a place for discussing them, I just don't think it's.. here.

- billn

I would be interested in a such a thing. I've tried approaching the Linux crowd for such information, but they seem more interested in writing patches to blink LEDs when Netfilter does something than talking about performance and scaling considerations.

If anyone would like to drop me a line off-list to point me in the right direction, I'd be very grateful. So far the most useful information I've found on the topic has been via this list.

PS I'm talking specifically about Linux. The FreeBSD and OpenBSD crowd seem to have lists that provide this sort of thing already.


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