Jack Bates wrote:

Dynamic or static; how does this alter the state of the routing table? A network assigned is a network assigned. In addition, IPv6 has some decent support for mobile IP, which my limited understanding of says they enjoy routing tables the rest of us never get to see.
Dynamic assigned addresses mean that the BRAS the customer terminates on can hand out a range out of a pool assigned to it. This means I can have a single route in my routing table for a whole BRAS (maybe 20k customers) vs 20k routes and associated processing when the dsl goes up/down/etc.

IPv6 is designed to be renumbered. Not all implementations support this extremely well, but it is there. I believe the mobile technologies support renumber on the fly better than traditional aggregation networks who have no expectation of mobility.
My car is designed to go 200km/hr or more. But the roads are implemented poorly. IPv6 is design to do everything for everyone, but the reality is the implementations aren't there or it's not practical. Mobile just creates more mess, I'm trying to make this simple and make it work.


Matthew Moyle-Croft - Internode/Agile - Networks
Level 4, 150 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, SA 5000 Australia
Email: m...@internode.com.au  Web: http://www.on.net
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