Jeffrey Lyon wrote:
> Mike,
> Aside from the occasional peering wars i've never had or witnessed any
> serious issues with Cogent. If you want some redundancy you might also
> try some other similarly priced providers like WBS Connect, HE, or
> BtN.

I can second that. For the amount of money they charge, you get a very
good deal and their techs are competent.

However, due to peering wars, never rely on them alone. Any decent ISP
should anyway at least have connections from n+1 carriers.

Kind regards,
Martin List-Petersen

> Best regards, Jeff
> On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 12:54 PM, Mike Bartz <> wrote:
>> I like the haiku!  On a serious note, we are considering getting a
>> connection from Cogent.  We currently have connections to at&t, Level
>> 3 and TW Telecom.  The low cost and high number of peer AS number's
>> seems appealing to us.  Every carrier has its issues, so I don't know
>> what to make of the apparent negativity that I am seeing in these
>> haiku threads.  I am looking for some first hand experiences to help
>> me make this decision.
>> Thanks for any assistance!
>> Mike
>> On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 9:59 PM, neal rauhauser <> wrote:
>>> Cogent makes a mess
>>> My phone rings and rings
>>> Unfornicate this!
>> --
>> Mike Bartz

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