Leo Bicknell wrote:
> In a message written on Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 12:26:36PM -0500, Christopher 
> Morrow wrote:
>> traceroute6 to the ISC's v6 allocation(s) for f-root ... (from inside
>> 701) oh, not working...
>> traceroute6 to ipv6.google.com from inside 701, oh... not working either.
>> vzb's v6 table is far from complete :( which is pretty painful.
> It's only "Critical Infrastructure", and there's only like 50 of
> them now (mostly root servers and CC-Tld's) in the ARIN region.

And a LOT and LOT more, don't forget the rest of the world please, there
is more than the ARIN region, even if this is the NA-nog list ;)

Check: http://www.space.net/~gert/RIPE/ipv6-filters.html for a list of
suggested filter expressions that cover all of these correctly.

From http://www.sixxs.net/tools/grh/dfp/

    * 1x /13
    * 2x /19
    * 6x /20
    * 4x /21
    * 5x /22
    * 1x /23
    * 2x /24, 13x returned, 45x reclaimed
    * 2x /25
    * 5x /26
    * 4x /27
    * 9x /28, 14x returned, 42x reclaimed
    * 4x /29
    * 5x /30
    * 3x /31, 1x returned
    * 2112x /32, 45x returned, 22x reclaimed
    * 4x /35, 2x returned
    * 2x /40
    * 5x /41
    * 1x /42
    * 2x /43
    * 3x /44, 1x returned
    * 7x /45
    * 7x /46
    * 11x /47
    * 376x /48, 3x returned
    * 5x /64

Not everything is a /32 ;)


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