> On May 27, 2008, at 6:47 PM, Jerry Dixon wrote:
> > Jared nailed it on the head.  It is absolutely critical to get to  
> > know who
> > your State JFO POC is, State EOC POC, and have the National  
> > Communication
> > Systems Hotline on speed dial or at least in your cell.  They can help
> > facilitate needs such as getting human resources from your company  
> > or mutual
> > aide in to help with a crisis (credentialing issues), fuel trucks,  
> > and other
> > supplies as needed.
> >
> > Also you might want to check to see if your company has a govt.  
> > affairs
> > person within your organization who might all ready have a lot of  
> > this info
> > and the contacts to assist.
>       I think there's something else to make note of.
>       NCS wants to make sure that a number of the ISPs and critical  
> infrastructure operators have WPS/GETS available to the people who  
> rightly need them.  If you're not sure, give them a ring and chat with  
> them about what resources you should have at your disposal.  If there  
> is a major communication disruption, this may help your operations  
> team communicate.
>       You can fill out the forms online at gets.ncs.gov
>       - Jared
        Thanks to everyone for their suggestions. Its alot of information.

        Unfortunately, next time something like that happens.... I'm getting
out of there. It won't be my company, so I'm gonna get outta there. Living
at Ground Zero (1 BUILDING away before, a few blocks inside during as well as
after) was just plain stupid. No more Port Authority or Japanese pieces of
paper saying I was "Critical" to be down there and could come/go as I please.
No, I wouldn't be wheezing pretty bad this week if I was smart and did get out. 

        Yea, next time...... I'm SO outta there. :) Hopefully someone else
read all this and did the right things.


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