On May 27, 2008, at 6:09 PM, Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET wrote:
The official spokespeople don't mention it, but there is also a
for local officials to divert fuel delivery trucks for their use
of maintaining communication facilities.
Perhaps a company will get in the business of labeling trucks that
normally say fuel to something like "spoiled milk" during such events
and specialize in refueling certain customers. ;)
I *think* I'm kidding.
After we went down at Telehouse 25 Broadway during 9/11 because the
National Guard halted one of the deliveries... I'm open to just
about any
suggestions incase of another incident. Maybe "Firefighting Foam
Truck" would be better. Or just "HAZMAT CLEANUP".
You need to make sure you know how to get the DOT waivers (in
advance) for fuel deliveries and other deliveries. Knowing which FEMA
region you are in and where the JFO and how to properly coordinate
with them may help avoid these types of problems. It may take some
time to sort through the issues, but it may help to review the NRF,
and know what the government means when they say NOC or NICC.
May be a good place to read up on things, as well as what your role
may be under ESF #2 or other NS/EP roles. It's not exactly the most
enjoyable reading in the world, but it may provide some insight into
what is going on.