On May 15, 2008, at 12:38 AM, Erich Hohermuth wrote:

> Dear members,
> I just want to ask if anyone else have major troubles to install new  
> or
> upgrade services with Global Crossing ?
> The story:
> Last year on December we ordered two layer2 point to point connections
> based on gigabit ethernet connections. The main idea was to directly
> connect to the peering point. After waiting 3 months and lots of mails
> they get the right hardware in place but now 6 months later we still
> don't have a running service, because they just implement something  
> with
> tagged interfaces on one the peering point site without asking.
> Regards
>       Eric

Hi Eric,

I had a similar problem with Time Warner in Souther California. The  
point to point was office <-> data center.

The issue turned out to be the tagged packet for our tunnel were too  
large for the current layer two network. They increased the packet  
size and all was good. It also took 6 months to get this line up and  
running as promised. This required a change to the config and a reboot  
of some gear along the path. Our CFO and an attorney sent a letter  
stating that if the line was not up by X date, the contract would be  
considered null and void. They delivered.

Hope this helps,

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