On 5 mei 2008, at 21:56, Mike Fedyk wrote:

>> So if you have a 10 Mbps connection you don't get to
>> send 14000 64-byte packets per second, but a maximum of 2500  
>> packets per
>> second. So with 64-byte packets you only get to use 1.25 Mbps.

> You have just cut out the VoIP industry, TCP setup, IM or most types  
> of
> real-time services on the Internet.

Of course not. Like I said, as an average end-user with 10 Mbps you  
get to send a maximum of 2500 packets per second. That's plenty to do  
VoIP, set up TCP sessions or do IM. You just don't get to send the  
full 10 Mbps at this size.

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