On 4/05/2008, at 3:22 PM, William Warren wrote:

> That also doesn't take into account how many /8's are being hoarded by
> organizations that don't need even 25% of that space.

Unless you're expecting those organisations to be really nice and make  
that address space available to other organisations (ie. their RIR/ 
LIR, or the highest bidder on ebay), then I don't see how that's  
relevant - whether they've got machines on those addresses or not,  
from an outsider's point of view the address space is unavailable for  
them to use.

..or, maybe your thought is that at some point these guys will start  
using addresses in those /8s, and stop requesting new allocations from  
their RIR/LIR, which will in turn slow down IPv4 allocations? I'm not  
sure, but licking my finger and sticking it out the window suggests  
that allocations to those with little-utilised /8s is a fairly small  

Nathan Ward

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