On Monday 24 March 2008, Robert E. Seastrom wrote:
> Lamar Owen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > While this discussion might seem out of the ordinary for a network
> > operator's group, it is a very good discussion.
> The sad part is the extraordinariness of discussions that are so
> solidly on-topic as this one.  Thanks for your contribution; I (at
> least) really appreciate it.

You're quite welcome.

There is a whole 'nother side to this, too, especially for those who run DC 
power.  The ampacity of conductors is quite a bit higher for DC; I have a 
copy of the best book on that subject, written by a telco engineer.  Let's 

"DC Power System Design for Telecommunications" by Whitham D. Reeve, Wiley is 
the publisher.  

This is an expensive book; about $100 from Wiley; low price on Amazon right 
now is $75.75.  This one goes over EVERYTHING when it comes to DC power 
distribution design and implementation.  It was worth the price I paid, 
that's for sure.

We have two 200A Lorains here, with A battery being 450Ah of C&D flooded 
cells, and B battery being a bank of 4 135Ah 12V sealed AGM batteries.  Our 
core switches and all but one of our core routers have DC power supplies.

Incidentally, all of this is fresh to me primarily because I'm in the process 
of building a new datacenter and moving our existing equipment into it, 
primarily for RFI mitigation reasons.
Lamar Owen
Chief Information Officer
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
1 PARI Drive
Rosman, NC  28772

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