In a message written on Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 10:02:49PM -0400, Patrick 
Giagnocavo wrote:
> Are there cases where more than 6000W per rack would be needed?

For a router/switch data points (this is NANOG, after all):

The CRS-1 in 16 slot or fabric chassis configuration takes a full
rack and needs ~11,000W.

6509-E's take dual 6000W power supplies.  They are 15U, and I have
seen 3 of them stacked in a 48U cabinet (obviously doesn't work in
a 42U rack).  That's 18,000W draw in a single cabinet.

I'm afraid 6000W is on the low end, by today's standards, and some
of the new 1RU multi-system chassis or blade servers can make these
numbers look puny.  For instance:

Dual quad-core Xeons in a 1RU form factor.  600W power supply.  600W
* 42 = 25,200.

What do you expect your customers to bring?  How long do you expect
your data center to last?  Not that long ago people were building
5000W/rack data centers; often those places today have large empty
spaces, but are at their power and/or cooling limits.

       Leo Bicknell - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - CCIE 3440
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