On Jan 12, 2008 3:49 PM, Sean Donelan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We could just meet at the Universal Postal Union meeting, and get rid
> of all those extra organizations like the ITU, IETF, NANOG, etc :-)

The fun part is, they do take a lot of interest in this too .. the US
postal service, the various European Lapostes etc - anybody who
operates a postal bank + wire transfer system and gets to face
phishers, malware and such just like regular banks  do.

That wasn't an argument for consolidation .. more like "cooperation".
And the sort of cooperation that isnt aimed at  making headlines and
scoring points .. stuff like (for example) surveys of the top 10 best
and worst registrars (which dont name the very worst, and include some
very good registrars among the worst, but that's another story

> Having both shared and separate meetings and communications is important.
> We can all learn alot from sharing.  But its also important for
> organizations and people to be able to communicate just with similar

We're on the same page there, Sean.


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