On Wed, 2 Jan 2008, Deepak Jain wrote:
> Is there anything inherently harmful with suggesting that filtering at
> RIR boundaries should be expected, but those that accept somewhat more
> lenient boundaries are nice guys??? When the nice guys run out of
> resources, they can filter at RIR boundaries and say they are doing so
> as a security upgrade :_).

So how would this work for large companies?

In theory multinationals like Morgan Stanley, Wall-Mart or HSBC should
only get at most a /48 from each RIR.

How should they handle region offices, Especially mutihomed ones?

Simon Lyall  |  Very Busy  |  Web: http://www.darkmere.gen.nz/
"To stay awake all night adds a day to your life" - Stilgar | eMT.

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