On Jun 26, 2007, at 2:09 PM, Deepak Jain wrote:
That said, a very simple way to handle it is to separate your mail (whether its procmail, a separate mailbox, a + rule in your name, or what have you) to automatically catch these "horrible" autoresponders into a box that doesn't clutter your critical mail. I think that's how most of us do it.

Wow. Dude. Filtering my mail into folders? Gee, what a keen new idea you have there! I've only been doing that for... lets put it this way, UUCP was the primary mail transport when I first started doing that.

Why oh why do people post nonsense like this on a list supposed to be full of operators?

I think someone suggests the above everytime a discussion comes up. In the spirit of "a very simple solution", everyone can be their own dictator of their own mailbox -- they don't need to protect the rest of the list, or develop a consensus for change. Just fix it for yourself. This is a time-honored NANOG tradition, at least when it comes to email.

No. What you are suggesting is that I waste a minute or two for every ignorant or uncaring person on this list. I don't have that kind of time. This is supposed to be an operators list. If you can't meet a very simple baseline guide for not being an idiot, you should be removed from the list.

Jo Rhett
senior geek

Silicon Valley Colocation
Support Phone: 408-400-0550

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