On Jun 12, 2007, at 6:02 PM, Martin Hannigan wrote:
You act on an issue that affects about 5
people once every 2 years and you ignore the massive overload on the
list of off topic posting?

While I mostly agree with what you are saying, it doesn't hurt to be honest about reality here. I get between 6 and 12 "vacation" responses for every post I write on this list. I'm sure everyone else does too. That's not 5 people every 2 years.

Second: off-topic while dear to my heart to stop, is harder to gain consensus on. Even harder to get consensus on what the right answer would be.

Everyone agrees that autoresponders are bad, and the solution is very simple. Since the situation is simpler, sometimes its easier to focus on something like that and get it done.

Jo Rhett
senior geek

Silicon Valley Colocation
Support Phone: 408-400-0550

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