On 2023-05-05 12:37, Derek Schrock wrote:
> Hello, I'm looking for any FreeBSD ports/pkg users of mail/mutt and

:raises hand:

> hoping to get some feedback on option usage and which non-standard
> features you're using from the port's included extra patches.  This
> is mainly the *_PATCH options.

I'm not likely terribly helpful in the matter since I just use the
stock package rather than building from ports.

> Also, wondering if any attempts have been made to include these features
> in to mutt itself?  There's some overlap here with neomutt which is a
> possible option if the feature patch is removed.

When I started, sidebar was the one notable patch I used most
frequently.  However, as best I can tell, that's made it into
mainline mutt, and I've kinda dropped use of the sidebar since I
found it used too much screen-space for the (lack of value) it
provided me so I don't use it any more.

All that to say I'm not strongly attached to any current patches
to mutt on FreeBSD (or OpenBSD, FWIW)


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