Hello, mutt.

I'm using mutt 2.2.3 on Gentoo GNU/Linux.

Some considerate organisation has been sending me MIME mails with content
in a text/html section and a wholly blank text/plain version.  What I see
in mutt is the blank text/plain.  Who on Earth thought a blank text/plain
section was somehow a good idea?

Now I've finally worked out why they've been sending me blank emails,
I've temporarily amended my /etc/mutt/Muttrc, changing

    alternative_order text/plain text text/html


    alternative_order text/html text/plain text


However, in general I'd prefer to give priority to the text/plain
version.  Is there any way I can do this in mutt without having
continually to edit my configuration every time a "blank" email comes

What I would really like is a command in mutt which would switch between
displaying the various alternatives.  I don't think there is one at the
moment, having perused the manual.

Can anybody offer me any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!

Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).

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