On 29Mar2021 20:02, Andy Spiegl <mutt.a...@spiegl.de> wrote:
>> Well sure. Great desktop, BSD UNIX underneath. And, frankly, really 
>> nice hardware.
>A few years ago I would have fully agreed with you and only complained
>about the price.  But lately we're having so many problems with Apple
>devices and with every OS upgrade the trouble seems to get worse.

I've done fairly well then. Our apple devices are personal, not 
corporate, but still. What's happened?

>I wonder
>how much of the original BSD is left at all.

I think the kernel code at least is publicly available.

Apples have quite a few special purpose systems, but that's no worse 
than systemd and NetworkMangler etc etc spreading through the Linux 
systems. And at least most of the Apple daemons do have man pages, which 
is often more than can be said for the free software tools.

>I can't believe me writing
>that we are having almost no issues with the Windows 10 PCs and have to
>spend so much support time for Apple users.  Unfortunately there is only a
>minor number of Linux users in our department but they need hardly any
>attention from us. :-)

That's pretty user dependent, based on my time sysadmining in a former 

>> It was written on Linux.
>Uhm, maybe compatibility issues between different bash versions?

I do not write for bash, I write for /bin/sh, which exists on every UNIX 
platform. I have, AFAIR, exactly _one_ bash script, which is my 
"readline" script, whose sole purpose is to prompt for an input using 
bash's readline support (file completion etc).


Bash itself is nonportable, not universally present, and provides few 
features of use in scripting. By the time I want such things it is often 
time to step up a level to something like Python.

>I had to deal with several smaller issues.  Maybe because I only
>downloaded the referenced scripts and overlooked some.  That was most
>likely the problem.

I can ship you a tarball of my out-of-my-homedir /opt/css tree, which 
has the lot. That's the fast way.



Typical install is to unpack in /opt, but you can put it anywhere.

>> For example, this is my current desktop.
>Cute. :-)
>I'm running FVWM window manager with 3x6 virtual desktops on two screens.
>A little bit more colorful than your setup but equally nerdy. :-)

Were I on X11 I'd be using FVWM as well. See here:


Scan down the page for Cameron Simpson or Zen style. Looks like my 
writeup of the setup and design is offline though :-( An indefinite 
number of virtual desktops, many with names!

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

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