On 29Sep2020 08:13, Chris Green <c...@isbd.net> wrote:
>On Mon, Sep 28, 2020 at 05:48:38PM -0500, Derek Martin wrote:
>> I confess to some curiosity here...  What are you doing in your
>> home-grown MDA, that you could not already do with procmail, which (if
>> you're on a Linux system at least) your mail system is most likely
>> already using to deliver your mail?
>It's all driven from one text file so that when I subscribe to a new
>mailing list all I have to do is add an entry to that file.  No
>changing of procmail rules, no additions to muttrc.  I have attached
>the filter file to this message, the comments explain it at least as
>well as I can here.

Nice. That is very compact.

I dropped procmail years ago too, and my filer rules for eg the mutt 
lists look like this:

mutt    Mutt-Dev        sender:owner-mutt-...@mutt.org
mutt    Mutt-Dev        sender:mutt-dev-boun...@mutt.org
mutt    Mutt-Users      mutt-users@mutt.org
mutt    Mutt-Users      mutt-users@mutt.org@korn.aiss.de
mutt    Mutt-Users      mutt-us...@gbnet.net
mutt    Mutt-Users      sender:owner-mutt-us...@mutt.org
mutt    offline-imap    offlineimap-proj...@lists.alioth.debian.org
mutt    offline-imap    offlineimap-proj...@alioth-lists.debian.net
mutt    offline-imap    

Column 1 is the mail folder name. Column 2 is for the X-Label ('.' to 
not apply one). Column 3 is the rule. Absent a header name it matches 
the to/cc/bcc on the "address" part (the bit between the <> after a 

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

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