Quoting Chris Green from 29 Sep (a Tuesday in 2020) at 0813 hours...

> It's all driven from one text file so that when I subscribe to a new
> mailing list all I have to do is add an entry to that file.  No
> changing of procmail rules, no additions to muttrc.  I have attached
> the filter file to this message, the comments explain it at least as
> well as I can here.

I found some procmail magic years ago which drops mail into a new
mailbox matching the list name (assuming it has sane headers) with zero
updates to any files needed! That said, I don't use the mutt
aliases/subscribe/list functions at all... 

Anyway, in the spirit of sharing... 

* ^(X-list: |Sender: owner-|X-BeenThere: |Delivered-To: mailing list 
|X-(Mailing-)?List: <|X-Loop: |List-I[dD]: <)\/[-A-Za-z0-9_+]+

There are some downsides to this though:

* Some lists don't have the right headers to work
* Your on-disk list name is whatever the list sets itself to be. 
* If you have multiple subscriptions which result in the same $MATCH...
* If you want multiple lists to be delivered to the same folder
  regardless of $MATCH...
* Some dodgy list software will set headers so every message has
  a unique $MATCH!

I've encountered all of those, but all are rare and easily worked
around, and the benefit of "subscribe to a list and have it just show up
as a new mailbox" is worth it for my use! :) 

(and yeah, it uses the .folder.layout paths. Conceptually I prefer
/folder/paths but in practice I don't delve into the on-disk names
often enough to care anyway!)


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                                                    earth native

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