On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 02:52:00PM +0200, Kia wrote in <caled1ewqxxuhmfxkadjxbs9wlcnkfue-ijfpbjerjp_zuoh...@mail.gmail.com>:
Thank you for your kind help.

I have now solved it using getmail and procmail. I've set up getmail as a
deamon and it's using IMAP IDLE. Procmail has a simple filter that match
sender and sends to external script. I'm also using mutt when testing
procmail filters.

In my experience, every now and then (after a couple weeks or so?)
getmail might lose its connection or experiences an error while
retrieving mail and exits. I have mine set up to start from cron every
now and then, using the setlock program to see if getmail is still
running, and only if not restarting it.

/usr/bin/setlock -n -x /home/remmy/.getmail/mail.lock /usr/bin/getmail -q -r 
/home/remmy/.getmail/getmailrc --idle=INBOX



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