On 09Jun20 09:51+0200, Kia Niskavaara wrote:
> I'm looking for a scriptable email client for linux cli. Specifically I
> need to connect it to a Gmail account using IMAP IDLE so that I will be
> able to find new emails almost immediately. And secondly, when new emails
> arrive, I need a script that automatically parse the body of every email to
> look if they match a specific regular expression - and if they match, then
> another script should be executed.

This sounds like you are looking for a fetchmail/procmail solution. I 
still use those since years, well already decades, in very simple way. 

But nowadays there are more modern and active developed projects. I 
think getmail and offlineimap are to be named here, too, but I have not 
used them. Searching the net with this information I think you can find, 
what you are looking for.


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