On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 01:46:57PM -0600, Akkana Peck wrote:
> > > On Sat, Apr 25, 2020 at 09:46:48PM -0500, David Engel wrote:
> > > > I've given up politely asking people to remember to send email as
> > > > either both text/html and text/plain or just text/plain when sending
> > > > to me.  It's a losing battle. :(
> Since I don't have to deal with PGP, increasingly I wish people
> would just send HTML and dispense with the text/plain. Lynx or
> similar programs work fine inside mutt for HTML mail (if there isn't
> too much fancy formatting),

I guess we disagree :)

> but if there's a text/plain part, more
> and more often it's blank, garbled or just unreadable because it
> lacks any line breaks.

True, this is worse than not sending a plain part. Actually, in this
case at least you might realize that you should check for the HTML
message. Even worse is if the plain has some info but not all, in which
case you might not even realize there's a problem.

> Scott Kostyshak writes:
> >   If this doesn't make sense to you, please forward this request to your
> >   tech team.
> I wish! But the "tech team" almost never has any idea what MIME
> multipart/alternative is, and any attempt to convince them that
> they're sending out garbled email just results in "It looks fine
> to me and nobody else has complained."
> In fact, out of many complaints about such problems, I don't think
> I've *ever* gotten an answer like "Oh, thanks for letting me know,
> I guess I never checked the plaintext part." It's been "looks fine
> to me" every. single. time. And most of the time, no matter how many
> times we go back and forth I can never manage to convince them even
> that a text part exists, let alone that it's worth fixing.

I have had similar troubles. Most of the time I don't get a response.
But once in a while I come across a kind tech support person who is open
to the idea and that makes up for the 10 non-responses so I keep trying.


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