On 20200405, Akkana Peck wrote:
Is there any way to configure mutt to alert me at the top of the message if there are any text/calendar or image/* attachments anywhere in the message, even as part of a multipart/alternative? I feel like I miss a lot in mail messages because mutt doesn't tell me about attachments.
I wonder if the number of attachments could be shown in the index? I don't know if that would be sufficient; a lot of work emails are loaded with stupid company logos and such. Maybe the index could include a count of attachments only of specific types enumerated in a mutt var. Or maybe a count of attachments not enumerated in a mutt var. set show_attachments=text/calendar;text/html set hide_attachments=image/png %p is unused. Let it stand for the number of parts: set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15L %p (%?l?%4l&%4c?) %s" Just spitballin'! -- ... _._. ._ ._. . _._. ._. ___ .__ ._. . .__. ._ .. ._. Felix Finch: scarecrow repairman & wood chipper / fe...@crowfix.com GPG = E987 4493 C860 246C 3B1E 6477 7838 76E9 182E 8151 ITAR license #4933 I've found a solution to Fermat's Last Theorem but I see I've run out of room o