El día miércoles, abril 26, 2017 a las 08:54:45p. m. +0000, Grant Edwards 

> What I want is mainly to be able to include small tables of data.
> > (when I see, for example, your signature) give your text some
> > structure in the layout, like tables etc. which is not what text is
> > for. You should use any formatting language, like HTML or Latex or
> > groff.
> OK, so how does one do that within mutt?

You can't do this within mutt. You can do it with whatever tool which
fits your needs and knowledge and send the result as an attachment with

Matthias Apitz, ✉ g...@unixarea.de, ⌂ http://www.unixarea.de/  ☎ 
Aus "Nie wieder Krieg!" wurde "Nie wieder Krieg ohne Deutschlands Truppen"
The "No wars anymore!" changed now to "No wars anymore without German battle 
El "¡Nunca jamás guerra!" ha cambiado a "¡Nunca jamás guerra sin tropas 

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