On 18.02.17 21:54, Xu Wang wrote: > Do you line-break your emails? Do you use flowed text? I am curious > what the most common and recommended workflow is.
As it is the long established email standard that lines be 72 characters to allow a couple of levels of "> " quoting in replies, without the need to reflow, for mutt I have this in .vimrc: " Mutt: au BufNewFile,BufRead ~/Desktop/mutt-* call Set_for_mutt() function! Set_for_mutt() setlocal textwidth=72 foldmethod=manual setlocal formatoptions=qrjt " Change subthread Subject: noremap <A-w> ^[gg/Re:^Mce[Was^[A]^[0Wi " CheckAttach.vim is a filetype plugin. filetype plugin on Of course, vim respects multiple levels of "> " quoting when reflowing a paragraph with gq}, but we can't assume that everyone replying has the same facility, thus 72 characters rather than 80. The topic was recently discussed at some length, as recorded in the archive. Erik