On Sat, Feb 18, 2017 at 09:54:43PM -0500, Xu Wang wrote:
> Dear mutters,
> Do you line-break your emails? Do you use flowed text? I am curious
> what the most common and recommended workflow is.
> I think this article is high quality and I was doing the same as the
> author. I would like to look into options for changing my worklow:
> http://brianbuccola.com/line-breaks-in-mutt-and-vim/
> Kind regards,
> Xu

My mails from mutt are primarily to mailing lists.  So no, I don't
use flowed text.  But also, I don't set the line length to 80
columns - that's far too much for lists with multiple levels of
quoting in replies - my vimrc says 68, but 70 is probably ok.

But I have no idea what line lengths are common on phones (I assume
screens providing less than 80 columns of text are phones) - if you
are mostly mailing to people with small screens then I have no idea:
my own phone tends to get html mail, so all bets about formatting
are off ;-)

`I shall take my mountains', said Lu-Tze. `The climate will be good
for them.'     -- Small Gods

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