On Sat, Apr 16, 2016 at 11:50:16AM +1000, c...@zip.com.au wrote:
> On 14Apr2016 12:23, derek martin <inva...@pizzashack.org> wrote:
> [...snip...]
> >IIRC there's a terminal-based web browser that has the ability to
> >So even better HTML mail support should be doable in Mutt
> >without making it a GUI...
> Having mutt ship with more flexible default configurations would
> help. There are plenty of recipes floating around for "use w3m or
> lynx to render HTML as plain text and page that", but they don't
> ship with mutt itself - every user must pick a recipe and implement
> it.

The trouble with those recipes is they're all bad, for one reason or
another.  Some of it is due to how they render HTML (with margins, or
with text justification, etc.) which is great for web pages, but
mostly undesirable for e-mail.  Or with certain elements being
supported poorly.  Some of it has to do with assumptions about
character sets that are wrong and hard to fix.  Though, some of the
solutions are better than others...

> >But I would frankly like to see a GUI option as well; I think it
> >would be great if Mutt could switch back and forth and have a
> >relatively consistent UI in both cases.  It's totally doable.  This
> >is the kind of stuff that a modern mailer is
> >expected to have...
> Doable portably would imply shipping an optional GUI kit with mutt;
> and X11 is not the only desktop environment; [...]

I'm no expert here but WX Windows (I think?) comes to mind...  If I'm
not imagining things there are such toolkits that basically wrap
whatever's commonly available "natively" (which isn't really a concept
on Linux, as it always has many to choose from).  But it's a valid

> For many of us mutt is text, letting us remain in our flexible
> terminal environments without the mouse happy glaring white hassle
> of a GUI, and it might be an anathema to give mutt any kind of
> "native" GUI facility.

Poppycock!  By which I mean yes... :)  I too mostly want to use Mutt
that way, particularly since I use it over ssh to a server that's not
even on the same continent I'm on.  But with a modular design there's
no reason you couldn't still have this and have a GUI be an option,
without the folks who disdain such modern trappings even noticing.
And they don't need to be glaringly white, FWIW. =8^)

> I had the unpleasant experience of finding an Emoji rendered in my
> mutt index listing a week or so ago, and I thought the End Times had
> come. Thank you, Unicode Consortium.

Thank you indeed!  The world is too complex to live by ASCII alone.
Unicode has made it (mostly) trivial for me to type my native English
full time, while being simple to switch to Korean when I have the need
or desire.  Which is far less often than in the past, but still
happens occasionally. :)

> But I agree it would be good if more of the "extension" facilities
> we use with mutt were available _easily_ to new users.

Yeah.  But nowadays, to most people, that means GUI.  Which is about
half of why I'd like to see that be an option.

> Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it.

That is the truth!

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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