On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 04:30:27PM -0700, Will Yardley wrote:
> I'm not as much worried about bloat, especially if it's an optional
> feature, but it seems like something that would be fairly difficult to
> implement in a way that is both fast and useful.
> For me, the bigger areas where I find Mutt limiting are things like
> responding to Exchange / Gcal invites (though mostly just use Apple
> products for this now), not being able to view images inline, etc. Given
> how much less email is used these days (relative to text message,
> Facebook messaging, online forums / FB groups, Slack, etc.), the emails
> I *do* still get tend to be weighted more heavily in this direction than
> they used to be. That said, I still much prefer Mutt over GUI MUAs.

I agree with all these points.  I'd like to see Mutt additionally have
functionality to address all of these, plus the ability to easily add
new mail store types via a unified mailbox driver API.  It's obviously
possible, but I suspect that to make it maintainable would require
rewriting a lot of the core of Mutt.

IIRC there's a terminal-based web browser that has the ability to
display web pages, including images, in your terminal window--though
it may require the use of some specific terminal program, I can't
recall.  So even better HTML mail support should be doable in Mutt
without making it a GUI... But I would frankly like to see a GUI
option as well; I think it would be great if Mutt could switch back
and forth and have a relatively consistent UI in both cases.  It's
totally doable.  This is the kind of stuff that a modern mailer is
expected to have...

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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