On 11Feb2016 04:05, Marcelo <marcelol...@gmail.com> wrote:
Christian Ebert <blacktrash <at> gmx.net> writes:

* Marcelo Luiz de Laia on Monday, September 26, 2011 at 19:35:22 -0300
> On Mon, 26 Sep 2011, Mike Parker wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 09:59:21PM +0000, Marcelo Luiz de Laia wrote:
>>> How I could detach erroneus threated message?
>> By default the <break-thread> function is bound to the '#' key.
> Do not worked here!

Maybe you are looking for:

Four years and I continue having problem with this!

Some colleagues, rather than creating a new message, open a received
message, change the subject, delete the message body and sends it to the

Lucky you are. I've been working with people who do all that, and don't even change the subject half the time.

They're lazy! This cause me anger! Is there any way to detach
these messages? Here is a screenprint, at this address [1]. Look at the
messages with a lot of different subjects within the same thread!

Anyway, you need: threading order (which you have I presume), strict_threads=no (the default is yes) and the <break-thread> command, normally bound to "#".

Please see if that helps.

Please, report me errors with the image.
1. http://picpaste.com/Captura_de_tela_de_2016-02-11_01-45-02-3yLg96Cs.png

Please post text, paste it into your message, instead of a screengrab.

Aside from blurring, the image seems ok. I'm not sure what you intend here.

You will need to go to the first "new thread" message which was hooked into an older thread, and type "#". Repeat to break off other threads as they occur.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

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