On 11.01.16 11:34, Matthias Apitz wrote: > I have had now one issue where after adding, while still in vim, the > attachment, it gave the new pseudo header line with its name, but after > returning finaly to mutt, all header lines about To, ... have been > empty; I could not reproduce this :-(
Hmmm, I'll attach a tiny test attachment, to see what happens with my fresh install of the plugin. Yes, the temporary header "Attach: /tmp/cargo" was created, and on return to mutt, that file was attached. (I'm now back in Vim, re-editing the post, after making the attachment. Let's check that everything is still there after two returns to mutt: Third edit: The file stays attached. Just default on re-edits, since we don't want multiple copies.) I do not understand your comment about "To:" headers - they bear no relation to the actions of the plugin, so ISTM that some other event has occurred, mucking up much of the post, not just the attachment. Were the headers left entirely with mutt, or do you have "set edit_headers=yes" in .muttrc? If the latter, are you certain they were present immediately prior to exit from Vim? Erik
test text