On 09.01.16 23:18, Xu Wang wrote:
> What I find helpful is that immediately when I reference an attachment
> I stop my email, save it, add the attachment, then go back to edit
> email.

The CheckAttach plugin (for Vim) has an ":AttachFile" command which
allows adding attachments during composing, if desired. But I just
plough on, and simply respond to the prompt at the end of composing.

Perhaps if I mapped :AttachFile to e.g. <Alt-A>, then I'd be more
inclined to use that method.

Note: The occurrence of "attachments" in this post did spuriously trigger
the prompt:

Attach file: (leave empty to abort):

but the cost of a <CR> to ignore the overenthusiastic hint isn't great.

As described in ":help CheckAttach", the triggers could be twiddled to
suit one's style:

You can specify which keywords will be searched by setting the
g:attach_check_keywords variable. By default this variable is specified
as: let g:attach_check_keywords = 'attached,attachment,angehÃĪngt,Anhang'


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