On Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 1:12 PM, David Champion <d...@bikeshed.us> wrote:
> * On 15 Nov 2015, Rejo Zenger wrote:
>> ++ 14/11/15 22:47 -0500 - Xu Wang:
>> >>
>> >> A copy of the message will also be encrypted by your own public key and 
>> >> saved
>> >> in the folder you have specified for Sent messages.  It is this copy 
>> >> which you
>> >> can decrypt with your private key later on, if you wish to read what you 
>> >> sent
>> >> to the recipient.
>> [...]
>> >I see. So it is one email, but there is never actual double encryption
>> >on the same text. It is two single encryptions. I think I am
>> >understanding more.
>> As I understand it: your message is encrypted to a session key, and that
>> session key is encrypted with your and the recipients' key. That way,
>> the message may have a large number of recipients, but doesn't increase
>> in size as much.
> This is correct.  PGP encryption generates a random symmetric key of
> a large size -- essentially a really long password.  It encrypts the
> original message using that "session key".  The session key is included
> in the PGP output alongside the encrypted message, but it's encrypted
> once for each recipient.  This gives huge space savings in the final
> message, compared to encrypting the message once per recipient.
> When you decrypt, PGP finds the list of encryptions of the symmetric key
> and searches for the one encrypted with your public key.  It decrypts
> that to get the session key, then uses the session key to decrypt the
> original message.
> There are two ways to store that list of session key crypts.  The
> default is like a dictionary -- each ciphertext is indexed with the
> key ID that encrypted it.  When PGP decrypts this, it can quickly zip
> right to the correct session ciphertext.  The other way stores these
> ciphertexts anonymously -- not indexed by key ID.  This is more secure,
> but slower because PGP must try each one in turn to find the correct
> ciphertext.  It's not a problem for a few recipients though -- it's
> really only a performance problem with many separate recipients.
> --
> David Champion • d...@bikeshed.us

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Now I get it! Thanks for such a detailed and
clearatory explantion. I am surprised that I actually understand it.
But it makes perfect sense.

Kind regards to each,


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