++ 14/11/15 22:47 -0500 - Xu Wang:
>> A copy of the message will also be encrypted by your own public key and saved
>> in the folder you have specified for Sent messages.  It is this copy which 
>> you
>> can decrypt with your private key later on, if you wish to read what you sent
>> to the recipient.
>I see. So it is one email, but there is never actual double encryption
>on the same text. It is two single encryptions. I think I am
>understanding more.

As I understand it: your message is encrypted to a session key, and that 
session key is encrypted with your and the recipients' key. That way, 
the message may have a large number of recipients, but doesn't increase 
in size as much.

Rejo Zenger
E r...@zenger.nl | P +31(0)639642738 | W https://rejo.zenger.nl  
T @rejozenger | J r...@zenger.nl
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