On Sun, May 24, 2015 at 05:55:02PM -0400, Xu Wang wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am studying the best approach to get better searching from within
> mutt. From what I understand, this involves looking for an indexer,
> and the best indexer is notmuch. If I misunderstood either of the
> previous points, please let me know. Note that my setup is mutt,
> offlineimap, and gmail.
> Assuming notmuch is the way to go, I have looked into options for
> integrating mutt and notmuch.
> I see the following possibilities:
> (1) mutt-kz
> (2) the python script.
> (3) mutt-notmuch [1] (I understand this is deprecated, see [2])
> (4) notmuch-mutt, which is integrated into notmuch (see [3])
> Is there another possibility I should look into?

I use mairix for most things, and recoll in situations where mairix
doesn't find what I want. 


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