Dear all, I am studying the best approach to get better searching from within mutt. From what I understand, this involves looking for an indexer, and the best indexer is notmuch. If I misunderstood either of the previous points, please let me know. Note that my setup is mutt, offlineimap, and gmail.
Assuming notmuch is the way to go, I have looked into options for integrating mutt and notmuch. I see the following possibilities: (1) mutt-kz (2) the python script. (3) mutt-notmuch [1] (I understand this is deprecated, see [2]) (4) notmuch-mutt, which is integrated into notmuch (see [3]) Is there another possibility I should look into? Another objective of this email is to understand why mutt does not have an indexer built-in. Is this because of the Unix principle of simplicity? Does it violate some other philosophy of mutt development? Or has the work simply not been done to a point that it would be a good implementation? From what I read [4], mutt-kz forked mutt because "upstream authors deemed too radical". I would prefer not to use mutt-kz because I do not like using forks in general. I wouldn't mind rebasing the patches on top of mutt though. Has anyone had success with this or do they not apply cleanly? What are the advantages of using mutt-kz over using notmuch-mutt? Is the virtual folder workaround of notmuch-mutt annoying? Is the only disadvantage of the virtual folder that changes made to a message in it are not applied to the actual message? Kind regards, Xu