++ 17/04/15 14:53 -0700 - Kevin J. McCarthy:
Another option could be something like: $crypt_use_hooks as a quadoption: - yes means all crypt-hooks are used without prompting - ask-yes/ask-no prompt for each hook - no disables all crypt-hooks. This could provide a way to disable the crypt-hooks in certain circumstances. I don't know if something like that is useful or is overkill.
Not sure. I would set it to yes, as I have these well-defined and defined with the purpose that these particular should be used. For me, there is not a real added value, but then again, it doesn't hurt I think.
-- Rejo ZengerE r...@zenger.nl | P +31(0)639642738 | W https://rejo.zenger.nl T @rejozenger | J r...@zenger.nl
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